Monday, December 31, 2007

Reflections on the 23 Things

I enjoyed the experience. I would certainly participate in something similar again.

I would consider restructuring the program - maybe more time? I know a lot of people felt immediately overwhelmed. Perhaps twelve units over a year - one a month. Each unit could be comprised of a few tasks/lessons.

I enjoyed playing with the different kinds of applications and websites. I especially enjoyed Rollyo - now there's a useful concept! - and LibraryThing. Some of them I don't have much use for right now - Flickr - but that might change and it's good to know about them regardless.

I also enjoyed the opportunity to ruminate more on what Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 mean and how they have/will change the environment we work in. I especially enjoyed Tim O'Reilly's "What is 2.0" which applies the 2.0 concepts to the software business, but gives a cogent and accessible argument as to the meaning of 2.0 in general.

I find that I enjoy having a blog as a platform for my views and what I want to share with others. I don't know if I'm going to end up keeping it up, but I might. I also like having an online depository for stuff I want to remember.

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