Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Robots/Androids/Artificial Life Forms/AI - Tropes

Robots/Androids/Artificial Life Forms/AI
  • Robots can be any shape but are generally humanoid, androids are, by definition, people shaped, and artificial Intelligences are sometimes disembodied – live in the Internet or move from computer to computer as opposed to being tied to one computer.
  • Artificial life forms are mostly machines, though I’ve run into some holograms.
  • Used to explore issues and definition of humanity – compare robots and humans and explore their relationships. Are humans essentially living machines?
  • Explore how a totally logical mind would work, and how dealing with illogical humans would work.
  • Explore human interactions with technology in general, and its role in our lives.
  • How different from a human is a sentient mechanical?  Is it  living? Does it deserve rights?
  • Another trope dealing with the definition of life, sentience, and humanity.
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Phillip K. Dick (also Post-Apocalyptic, Mystery)
When HARLIE was One by David Gerrold (also Classic)

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