Time Travel/Manipulation
- Something/someone traveling through time or time not traveling as it usually does – speeding up or slowing down. Sometimes living your life out in real time is considered a form of time travel – traveling through time on the slow path.
- Many stories explore the implications of paradoxes or changing history. What effect would saving that life have on the future? Can time be changed? One of the more famous paradoxes is the Grandfather Paradox - what would happen if you went back in time and killed your own grandfather?
- The rules of time vary from story to story. Can you change the past or not? Is time self-correcting or not? Can you travel into the past and the future? It depends on what the author needs for the story.
- Time can get very complex. Sometimes I don’t try to understand; I just go with the flow.
- SubTropes:
- Lost in time – Stuck time travelers who can’t get home
- Individual time travel – often accidental, alien device, inventor
- Time travel organization – sometimes protecting time, sometimes mining/exploiting time, sometimes exploring time.
- Mission in time – time traveling with a mission to correct an error.
- Colonizing in time – settlements in other time periods – post-apocalyptic or prisons – usually in the deep past.
To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis (also Humor)
Ugly Little Boy by Isaac Asimov (Short Story)
Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle
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